Chart FP - Chartered Financial Planner
Having achieved the APFS designation, advisers can go on to achieve this recognisable benchmark of quality and ethical practice for financial services professionals, elevating financial planning and advice in the public eye to the same standing as other Chartered professions. The holder must demonstrate a combination of experience, financial qualifications, ongoing educational activity (continuous professional development) and ethical behaviour.
FPFS - Fellow, Personal Finance Society
To achieve the Fellowship grade, individuals would be required to have 10 AFPC (Diploma) units or equivalent. This shows a commitment to continuous professional development.
AF3 - Pension Planning
This examination assesses the candidate to develop in-depth financial planning skills related to personal and corporate pensions.
AF4 - Investment Planning
This examination assesses the candidate to develop in-depth financial planning skills related to investments and the management of investment portfolios.
AF5 - Financial Planning Process
This examination assesses the candidate to develop an understanding of the financial planning process when giving advice to clients.
G70 - Investment Portfolio Management
This qualification assesses a knowledge and understanding of portfolio investment management.
J02 – Trusts
At the end of this unit, candidates should be able to demonstrate an understanding of the: legal principles associated with the creation and management of a trust; main types of trusts that are common in the UK; taxation considerations relevant to trusts.
J04 - Pension Funding Options
At the end of this unit, candidates should be able to demonstrate an understanding of the: main tax and legal frameworks that govern the accumulation phase of building up retirement benefits under registered pension schemes; features of defined contribution and Defined Benefit pensions; choices faced by early leavers and use of transfer value analysis; State retirement benefits available, including the risks and suitability of contracting out of the State Second Pension.
J05 - Pension Income Options
At the end of this unit, candidates should be able to demonstrate an understanding of the: process of decumulating pension funds and the main issues for clients and advisers; main choices facing members of pensions schemes during decumulation; features, risks and tax treatment of the secured pension option; features, risks and tax treatment of the unsecured pension option; features, risks and tax treatment of phased retirement; features, risks and tax treatment of the alternatively secured pension option.
J10 – Discretionary Investment Management
At the end of this unit, candidates are able to analyse and apply financial information and portfolio management skills.
J12 - Securities advice and dealing
At the end of this unit, candidates are able to demonstrate an understanding of the features and risks of different securities; the structure and features of the securities market; relevant factors and considerations for appropriate investment recommendations.
R01 - Financial Services, Regulation and Ethics
This qualification assesses a knowledge and understanding of the financial services industry, including regulation, legislation and the Code of Ethics.
R06 - Financial Planning Practice
This qualification helps advisers develop and demonstrate their financial planning capabilities.
R08 – Pensions update
The objective of this unit is to develop knowledge and understanding of changes introduced by the Taxation of Pensions Act 2014.
CF1 - UK Financial Services, Regulation & Ethics
The objective of this unit is to develop an understanding of the financial services industry including regulation and legislation.
CF3- Financial Protection
This examination assesses a knowledge and understanding of financial protection plans.
CF4 - Retirement Planning
This examination assesses a knowledge and understanding of the various pension products, the pension tax regime and retirement needs.
CF5 - Integrated Financial Planning
This module provides a solid grounding in the financial services industry and its regulation.
CF6 - Certificate in Mortgage Advice
This qualification assesses a knowledge and understanding of the UK regulation environment in the financial services industry, mortgage products, repayment options and the giving of mortgage advice.
CF8 - Certificate in Financial Planning and Long-Term Care Insurance
This qualification assesses a knowledge and understanding of the UK regulation environment in the financial services industry, long-term care insurance products and the giving of long-term care insurance advice.
ER1 - Equity Release
This examination assesses a knowledge and understanding of the different types of equity release products, risks to the consumer associated with equity release and application of suitable equity release solutions according to the circumstances of different customers.
FP1 - Financial Planning Certificate 1
FP2 - Financial Planning Certificate 2
FP3 - Financial Planning Certificate 3