Gary Legg

Financial Planner


16 Years in the Financial Services industry, initially working at some of the largest platform providers in the UK before stepping into the advice world. I wish I’d made the move across sooner as it’s far more fulfilling and provides a much greater degree of job satisfaction.

On a day – day basis I’m speaking with clients, ensuring they’re well looked after and when I’m not speaking with clients I’ll be monitoring their objectives to ensure they’re heading towards reaching their financial goals.

I interact with my clients via every means necessary; whether it be face to face, email, phone call, facetime, zoom and text messaging – I’d use carrier Pigeons if I had to.


I’m always out what ever the weather walking Daphne, my Fox Red Labrador and when we’re not out exploring I’ll be found playing Cricket, Football or Golf – none of them particularly well!


Ready to start your journey?

If you have any questions or would like to organise a no-obligation consultation at our expense, please complete this form.